
In order to use Insense you will have to download the Insense Compiler, Runtime, and an OS (either Contiki or InceOS). For the Insense on Contiki you will have to download a version of Contiki depending on the depending on the version of the MSP430-GCC compiler that you install as outlined below. You will also need to install MSP430-GCC and FTDI USB-Serial drivers.

Insense on InceOS

The source code for the Insense Compiler, Runtime and for the custom operating system InceOS is available on our mercurial repositories at

Insense for InceOS has recently been updated to build with msp430-gcc version 3.2.3 (tested on PC running Windows under Cygwin) and msp430-gcc version 4.5.3 (tested on Mac OS X Lion).

Insense on Contiki

The source code for the Insense Compiler and Runtime for the Contiki operating system  is available on our mercurial repositories at

Insense has recently been updated to build with the new version of Contiki version 2.5 and with msp430-gcc version 3.2.3 (tested on PC windows under cygwin) and msp430-gcc version 4.5.3 (tested on Mac OS X).

  • If you are using msp430-gcc version 3.2.3 you should be able to use Contiki source .zip download from the main website at

  • Alternatively, if you have installed the newer msp430-gcc version 4.5.3 you should get Contiki via

git clone

Other Downloads


On  MAC OS X (Lion) I installed mspgcc version 4.5.3 on my machine by first installing fink and then typing

fink install msp430-libc msp430-gdb msp430-binutils msp430-gcc

For other platforms, you could either install MSPGCC 4.5.3 or use the older compiler version 3.2.3. Information can be found at

FTDI USB-Serial drivers

In order to communicate with your TMote Sky motes you will also need the correct USB-Serial drivers for your OS from

If you’re using Mac OS X Lion and having troubles with the newest version of the FDI drivers, have a go with these version 2.2.16 ones instead.

TMote-Sky Utils

You may also find the utility scripts below useful for uploading programs to the TMote Sky motes, erasing the mote’s flash, resetting the motes and connecting to the serial-port (over USB) to see the output from the motes.

  • Unzip the file in your UNIX/Linux/Cygwin home directory (which will place them into your ~/bin directory).
  • Add your ~/bin folder to your executable path.

The utility scripts are customised to run on Mac OS X (Lion), you will need to edit the .sh shell scripts to use the windows binaries if you are running this under Cygwin on Windows. You may also need to re-compile the sky-tools/serialdump.c program for your OS. With a TMote Sky connected to e.g. /dev/tty.USBxxx on Mac OS X and with a binary file called you should then be able to use these tools by typing

  • /dev/tty.USBxxx
  • /dev/tty.USBxxx
  • /dev/tty.USBxxx
  • /dev/tty.USBxxx