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We are hosting Carnival of Mathematics 150

The Carnival of Mathematics is a monthly digest of mathematical blogs, hosted by a different blog each month. The 150th Carnival of Mathematics will be published here at the CoDiMa website. Submissions are accepted until the end of September. To see further guidelines and submit at item to Carnival 150, please see this page. You may also find there links to all previous carnivals.

Announcing Second Training School

Our Second Training School in Computational Discrete Mathematics will take place at the International Centre for Mathematical Sciences in Edinburgh on October 17th-21st, 2016. It is intended for PhD students and researchers from UK institutions. It will start with the hands-on Software Carpentry workshop covering basic concepts and tools, including working with the command line, version control and task automation, continued with introductions to GAP and SageMath systems, and followed by the series of lectures and exercise classes on a selection of topics in computational discrete mathematics. It will have a similar structure to the First Training School that we organised in Manchester in 2015 (to get an impression of this previous event, see its webpage).

For further details on the 2016 School, please check its webpage here.

DFG grant success!

In August 2015 Rebecca Waldecker visited St Andrews, funded by CoDiMa, to explore possibilities of collaboration using her knowledge of permutation groups and our knowledge of computational methods.

In our discussions we found out that search in permutation groups is a topic that intersects our interests, and Rebecca suggested that we should apply for a grant from Deutsche Forschungsgesellschaft (DFG) to fund mutual visits over the course of a year to continue our collaboration.

Rebecca’s application has been successful and we will receive 6460 EUR in travel support for two visits by Rebecca Waldecker to St Andrews and two visits by Chris Jefferson and Markus Pfeiffer to Halle.

We are planning to attack the theory and practice of search in permutation groups such as group intersection, automorphisms of structures, canonical images and parallelisation.

With our different backgrounds in group theory and computation, we would also like to make the theory more accessible to programmers, and the practical aspects more accessible to mathematicians.

What makes this topic even more exciting and promising is Babai’s most recent publication on the complexity of the graph isomorphism problem.

Welcome to the CoDiMa website

Welcome to the new website of the EPSRC-funded Collaborative Computational Project EP/M022641/1  CoDiMa (CCP in the area of Computational Discrete Mathematics).

CoDiMa is centred on two open source software systems: GAP and SageMath which are widely used for research and teaching in abstract algebra, number theory, cryptography, combinatorics, graph theory, coding theory, optimisation and search, among other areas.

The CCP aims to support the ecosystem of users, extenders and developers of these systems and encourage best practice in their use, and to support the more rapid uptake of new features such as parallel programming support.

The project will run for 5 years starting from March 1st, 2015.