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Short research visits programme begins

We have already funded several trips under our short research visits programme.

Mark Kambites (Manchester) visited St Andrews on 21-23 April 2015 for the initial planning meeting and discussing further collaboration on implementing a tropical algebra/geometry package for GAP, based on his earlier work with Markus Pfeiffer (St Andrews).

Olexandr Konovalov visited Newcastle University on May 21st, 2015 to meet the members of the algebra research group in Newcastle: Sarah Rees, Andrew Duncan, Siddiqua Mazhar, David Roberston, Alina Vdovina, Abdulsatar Al-Juburie and Nick Loughlin. The meeting was centred around the GAP system. It started from the discussion on the progress with coming AutParCommGrp package (Finite Presentations of Automorphism Groups of Partially Commutative Groups and Their Subgroups) by Abdulsatar Al-Juburie and Andrew Duncan. After that, Olexandr run a “GAP clinic” where he demonstrated an example of the workflow to implement a simple algorithm to calculate an average order of an element of a group. Using this example, he demonstrated how to install a method, explore applicable methods, and use test files and Info messages. This was followed by a Q&A session. Olexandr plans to write a separate blog post on this (update: you may now see it here).

On June 15th 2015, Patrick Mayer and Blair Archibald (Glasgow), and Rob Stewart (Heriot Watt) visited St Andrews for the meeting with HPC-GAP developers, and Blair’s travel was supported by CoDiMa.