After a summer of hard work, our MSc students submitted their final dissertations last week. Earlier today they had an opportunity to present their posters and demonstrate their project artefacts.
With prizes for the top 3 posters and cakes for all, the session was very busy and provided the perfect occasion to reflect upon their own dissertation journey and appreciate the projects completed by their peers. Congratulations to Ilya Lvov, Oleg Iliev and Olalekan Baruwa who received the coveted amazon vouchers for best poster.

Main image from left to right: Ilya Lvov, Oleg Iliev and Olalekan Baruwa complete with Amazon Vouchers
Poster Titles
- Ilya Lvov, Data Journalism: Tools and Practices
- Oleg Iliev, Exploration of QoS and QoE using radar charts
- Olalekan Baruwa, IVF-predict and MyOvaries: An exploration, implementation and deployment of Bio-Medical Mobile Software Applications.
We wish them every success as they approach graduation and look forward to seeing them again in November!