We are looking for five projects from within the University that have to do with creating new software and/or hardware. Suitable projects can come from individual researchers, practitioners/companies, Schools, or any Departmental Unit that is thinking about building some software or hardware system that will be facing humans (this includes the public, but also experts of any kind or any type of populations, such as children).
The MSc students of our module CS5042 – User Centered Interaction Design – will be performing a contextual analysis of the environment, extracting user interface requirements and providing up to a medium level fidelity design prototype, with the option to further taking this on to working prototype stage during their MSc project during the summer.
In the past, our students have successfully completed designs for the following types of systems:
- Interactive exhibitions for museums and Edinburgh City of Culture
- A health smartphone application interface for CIGNA, a health insurance provider
- An integrated public display messaging system for the library
- An interactive entrance welcoming system for the entrance of the School of Computer Science
- An interactive laterality testing tool for the School of Medicine
- An interface design for a system which measures peoples vital signals at a distance using cameras for Beyond Medics Limited
- Novel web-based and mobile applications to explore literary collections
If you think your project could use this kind of help, please send to us by e-mail (cs5042.lec@cs.st-andrews.ac.uk):
- Your name, e-mail address, and phone number
A sentence or two about what kind of project you have in mind
We will then get in contact with you to briefly explore the options. No commitment necessary at this point. Everything is, of course, free, and this could be a great opportunity for you to explore a tentative system, even if you are not sure that you will need it.
Thank you very much for considering this.
Please feel free to forward this far and wide to other colleagues who may find this useful.
Many thanks,
Uta Hinrichs and Kenneth Boyd