PGR Seminar with Ariane Hine

The PGR seminars for this academic year are beginning this Friday 8th November at 2PM in JC 1.33A/B

Below is a title and Abstract for Ariane’s talk – Please do come along if you are able.

Title: Enhancing and Personalising Endometriosis Care with Causal Machine Learning

Abstract: Endometriosis poses significant challenges in diagnosis and management due to the wide range of varied symptoms and systemic implications. Integrating machine learning into healthcare screening processes can significantly enhance and optimise resource allocation and diagnostic efficiency, and facilitate more tailored and personalised treatment plans. This talk will discuss the potential of leveraging patient-reported symptom data through causal machine learning to advance endometriosis care and reduce the lengthy diagnostic delays associated with this condition.

The goal is to propose a novel personalised non-invasive diagnostic approach that understands the underlying causes of patient symptoms and combines health records and other factors to enhance prediction accuracy, providing an approach that can be utilised globally.

Fudge donuts will be available! 🍩