Update: You can find more photos from the Honours BBQ on the alumni blog.
Rumours of cloning experiments in School of Computer Science exaggerated says press officer
Honours Class Photographs
The collection of class photographs is now up on the school website here. Unfortunately we are missing a few years. If anyone has photographs of the missing years then please get in touch, or just post a comment with an appropriate URL.
We have a couple of photographs that I am struggling to date. Does anyone know the years in which the photographs below were taken? Answers on a postcard please. I’m thinking 2007 or 2008 for the first one and sometime around the development of colour photography for the second.
Poissons du Jour
Today our tank repopulation is complete with the purchase of 14 Kenyi Cichlids (Pseudotropheus Lombardoi). We now have 31 Milawi cichlids in the tank along with one chocolate catfish and a pleco, Below are some photos of the new arrivals.
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Staff vs Masters Football
Friday 20th November. The Computer Science staff (and research) team celebrated a victory in the bi-annual master’s competition, overcoming their opponents 4-2 following a scrappy 50 minutes of play.
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les nouveaux poissons sont arrivés
Here are some photos of the new cichlids that we purchased on the 3rd November 2009. They are all Pseudotropheus zebra from Milawi.
- Cichlids arriving from the shop still in their transit bags
- Blue Pseudotropheus zebra
- Red Pseudotropheus zebra in transit bag