Software and Hardware Interfaces
In this module, students explore working with electronics, micro-controllers and hardware to make interesting hardware and software interfaces. They are encouraged to use hardware in novel or interesting ways, perhaps solving problems which can’t be solved with software alone.
What is on show?
Our largest piece of coursework will be exhibited by a few groups. In this coursework we ask students to creatively work with three elements of hardware or software and this will include elements like micro-controllers, react apps, VR headsets, leap motion controllers and eye-trackers.
In groups of three, our students set their own challenge and work through a design to produce a final prototype submitted at the end of March and a selection of which will be on show at the Doors Open day.
Who takes this module?
Students are from our MSc and MSci programmes
What types of projects have we had before?
This practical has produced a range of exciting projects in the past including educational learning tools and games, music controllers, pill dispensers, interactive shopping assistants, smart-home devices, personalised alarm clocks, AI assistants and toy robots.