WWWho do you trust?



Who do you trust online?

Come and help us to work out how you decide to trust web sites!

You will need to complete a computer-based survey (in the Physics Library or in the School of Computer Science) in which you will rate how you perceive the trustworthiness of several websites.

Total participation time is less than 15 minutes.

At the end of the survey you can be entered into a prize draw for one of three Amazon or iTunes vouchers.

Volunteers have to be at least 18 years of age.

After the study, all volunteers will be sent a briefing on how they can improve their online security.

Please email John (jcbh@st-andrews.ac.uk) if you wish to take part or have any further questions.

Contact details:
Researcher: John Heenan
E-mail: jcbh@st-andrews.ac.uk

Supervisor: Professor Saleem Bhatti
E-mail: saleem@st-andrews.ac.uk

UTREC approval code: CS11909