SACHI research group in Canada for the annual CHI conference


This week members of the SACHI research group are in Canada for the annual CHI conference where they are presenting 8 papers and other research work.

Their research papers have been attracting media interest this week. The Times has covered their paper on Change blindness in proximity-aware mobile interfaces quoting Professor Quigley. 



App developers urged to cure phone ‘blindness

While the verge and Engadget has covered the best paper Project Zanzibar: A Portable and Flexible Tangible Interaction Platform.

Hui-Shyong Yeo contributed to this research while he was a research intern at Microsoft Research last summer in Cambridge.


The research group has put together a page which describes all the efforts at CHI 2018 here

Next year CHI 2019 will be in Scotland while CHI 2020 will be in Hawaii on its way to Asia in 2021.

Members of SACHI are already involved in the planning for 2019 as associate chairs for the program and are looking forward to CHI here in Scotland next year