Congratulations to Marc Werfs, who successfully defended his thesis today. He is pictured below with supervisor Emeritus Professor Ian Sommerville, Internal examiner Dr Alex Voss, and External examiner Professor Stuart Anderson from the University of Edinburgh. Dr Gordon Baxter and Dr Juliana Bowles also supervised Marc during his PhD.
School of Computer Science
Distinguished Lecture Series: ‘CS for All’ by President Maria Klawe
The School of Computer Science is delighted to announce that President Maria Klawe will be speaking at our Distinguished Lecture Series on March 31st 2016 in St Andrews. This event will consist of a series of talks from 9am with a tea/coffee break, a lunch break, afternoon talk and Q&A session.
There will be a Q & A session between 15:00hrs and 15:30hrs, followed by the opportunity to meet President Klawe informally in the foyer.
Event details
- When: 31st March 2016 09:00 - 16:00
- Where: Byre Theatre
- Series: Distinguished Lectures Series
- Format: Distinguished lecture
Palimpsest recognised by British Library Labs
A new annual competition set up to identify outstanding and innovative work, created using the British Library’s digital collections and content, has recognised Palimpsest. The 2015 British Library Labs Awards honoured projects within three key categories: Research, Creative/Artistic and Entrepreneurship. Palimpsest: Telling Edinburgh’s Stories with Maps, was runner up in the Research category.
Congratulations to Uta, David and Aaron on the continued success of Palimpsest.
CodeFirst:Girls final presentations Fall 2015
Congratulations to our St Andrews Computer Science Code First Girls, for completing the Fall 2015 course and staging their final projects. Students are pictured presenting their diverse and ambitious projects to staff and students in the School. Presentations were followed by a cheese and wine reception. Prizes were awarded for overall winner to Kahina Le Louvier for MuZik4Kids and runner up to Lucy Sharp and Lucy Wallis for Amelia Florence. Well done to all. Read more about CodeFirst:Girls in our previous post Computer Science supports CodeFirst:Girls 2015.
Bake Sale: Children in Need 2015
Well done to Sophie, Caitlyn and Sarah who raised £265 pounds for Children In Need last week. They are pictured setting up shop, selling their delicious homemade cakes and a exercising a spot of merchandise quality control. Staff and students helped them raise a fabulous total.
Review their previous 2012 and 2013 cakes and fundraising through our blog posts. A great effort all round, we look forward to seeing you again next time.
2014/15 Graduation Reception on St Andrews Day
The School of Computer Science will be holding a Graduation Reception in the Jack Cole Building on Monday 30th November 2015 from 11:00am to 14:00pm for Masters and PhD students who are graduating that day at Younger Hall.
The graduates are invited, along with their guests, to come along after the ceremony for a glass of bubbly and mini cream cake or two! Staff are encouraged to come along and join in the celebrations.
On behalf of the school may I wish those graduates unable to attend Graduation the very best for their future endeavors.
Event details
- When: 30th November 2015 11:00 - 14:00
- Where: Cole Coffee Area
Seminar: “Interaction, Embodiment and Technologies in Early Learning” by Dr Andrew Manches
Most of us might agree that ‘hands-on learning’ is good for children in the early years. But why? Is it simply more fun and sociable, or are there any more direct cognitive benefits? And what determines definitions of ‘hands-on’? Can we include iPads? This talk will draw upon an ESRC-funded project to examine the educational implications of recent theoretical arguments about the embodied nature of cognition. Video data from the project will be used to illustrate the methodological significance of the way children gesture when describing mathematical concepts and evaluate a hypothesis that numerical development is grounded upon two particular embodied metaphors. If correct, this presents a serious challenge to traditional approaches to the types of learning materials we offer children. The talk then demonstrates two embodied technologies to consider the potential of new forms of digital interaction to further our understanding of embodied cognition as well as support early learning.
Dr Andrew Manches is a Chancellor’s Fellow in the School of Education and leads the Children and Technology group at the University of Edinburgh. He has 20 years experience working with children, first as a teacher, then as an academic. His recent research, funded by an ESRC Future Research Leader grant, focuses on the role of interaction in thinking, and the implications this has for early learning and new forms of technology. When not being an academic, Andrew is a parent of two young children and directs an early learning technology start-up that was awarded a SMART grant this year to build an early years maths tangible technology.
Event details
- When: 24th November 2015 14:00 - 15:00
- Where: Cole 1.33a
- Series: School Seminar Series
- Format: Seminar, Talk
Children in Need Bake Sale 2015
On Friday November 13 from 10.30 there will be a bake sale hosted by Sophie Gent in aid of BBC Children in Need in the Jack Cole Building coffee area.
There will be a vegan and gluten free option, but if you need this please feel free to let us know in advance so we can reserve some for you. (Tell Ian Gent)
All money taken will go towards the BBC Children in Need. This is a charity to help children in the UK, and more can be found at the BBC Children in Need website
This is the fourth time we’ve done this and it’s been successful every time, so we hope to see you there. Here are some photos from two years ago to tempt you.
Event details
- When: 13th November 2015 10:30 - 11:30
- Where: Cole Coffee Area
PhD Viva Success: Ditchaphong Phoomikiattisak
Congratulations to Ditchaphong Phoomikiattisak, who successfully defended his thesis today. He is pictured below with supervisor Professor Saleem Bhatti, Internal examiner Professor Simon Dobson, and External examiner Dr Mahesh Marina from the University of Edinburgh.
Local Hack Day for STACS
Congratulation to our STACS community, on running another successful hack day earlier this month in conjunction with Major League Hackers The event hosted in the School looked like great fun and provides a great learning, building and socialising opportunity. Night bus tracker, CS story!, Crash alert, Game of phones, Notilife, Sports report and Bubble tree are just some of the resulting applications.
The students captured some great photos and a short video stream on their twitter account. The takeaway message appears to be that “hacking is a serious business”, but also great fun when it involves STACS. We look forward to hearing about the next event.
Images courtesy of Viktoriya Anisimova and STACS.