Michael O’Boyle (Edinburgh): Heteregeneous Thinking (School Seminar)

Abstract: Moore’s Law has been the main driver behind the extraordinary success of computer systems. However, with the technology roadmap showing a decline in transistor scaling and hence the demise of Moore’s law, computer systems will be increasingly specialised and diverse. The consistent ISA contract is beginning to break down. As it stands, software will […]

Nathan Carter (Bentley University): Lurch: software for immediate feedback for students in a first proof course (School Seminar)

Abstract: Lurch is an open-source word processor that can check the steps in students’ mathematical proofs. Users write in a natural language, but mark portions of a document as meaningful, so the software can distinguish content for human readers from content it should analyze. This talk begins with an overview of the most recent release […]

Marwan Fayed (St Andrews): Quality of Experience Fairness for Adaptive Video Streams in the Network (School Seminar)

Abstract: “Why is my kid getting HD on their phone, while I’m stuck with SD on my 50″ TV?” This type of complaint is among the most common directed to streaming services such as Netflix and BBC. Recent studies observe that adaptive video streams, when competing behind a bottleneck link, generate flows that lead to […]

Matthew Rice (Open Rights Group): Do we need the Third Sector in the debate about technology and ethics? (School Seminar)

Abstract: Matthew Rice, Scotland Director for the Open Rights Group, the digital rights campaigning organisation, will lead a seminar discussing the role of civil society organisations in the discourse of technology, rights, regulation, and norms. Computer Scientists sit at an important point in this debate, as individuals affected by changes in norms, but more importantly […]

Arnau Erola (Oxford): Corporate Insider Threat Detection (School Seminar)

Abstract: It is widely recognised that the threat to enterprises from insider activities is increasing, and that significant costs are being incurred. Since insider threat and compromising actions can take a multitude of forms, there is a diverse experience and understanding of what insider threats are, and how to detect or prevent them. We investigate […]

Elliott Brooks (The HUT Group): Technology at The HUT Group (School Seminar)

Abstract: The HUT Group have a variety of engineering, UX and data science teams solving real-world customer and logistics problems. This presentation looks at a variety of solutions applied across the business, from continuous release processes to warehouse layout approaches. Speaker Bio: Elliott graduated from CS at St Andrews in 2016, and now works within […]

Alice Miller (Glasgow): Probabilistic model checking for UAV strategy generation (School Seminar)

Abstract: I will describe how the PRISM model checker was used to generate strategies for an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV), specifically to determine search strategies for a UAV trying to find objects within a grid, for a range of scenarios. Parameters and probabilities for our models were informed by simulation models developed in the School […]

Judith Rauhofer (Edinburgh): The Internet of Bodies – What could possibly go wrong? (School Seminar)

Abstract: The “Internet of Bodies” is turning into a popular catchphrase to describe the next generation of the Internet of Things – the move from a collection of everyday objects connected to the Internet and each other to a scenario, where those devices are attached to, or incorporated into, the human body with a view […]