Arkwright Awards for budding young engineers

On Friday 11 November 2016, Professor Saleem Bhatti was the principal guest of the Arkwright Scholarship Trust, as principal speaker and presenter at Arkwright’s award ceremony at the Edinburgh International Conference Centre. The Arkwright Trust is a well-established, independent UK-wide charity which identifies and nurtures high-potential A-level and Scottish Advanced Higher students who have a desire to be future leaders in engineering disciplines, including computing, software, communications and product design. This year, the award ceremony was sponsored by GCHQ, with the theme of “Cyber Security and Communications”.

Edinburgh . Arkwright Scholarships Awards. Copyright © 2016 Andrew Wiard,,

Edinburgh . Arkwright Scholarships Awards.
Copyright © 2016 Andrew Wiard,,

Edinburgh . Arkwright Scholarships Awards. Copyright © 2016 Andrew Wiard,,

Edinburgh . Arkwright Scholarships Awards.
Copyright © 2016 Andrew Wiard,,

Images used with permission from the Arkwright Scholarship Trust

Lost in Translation: Academia to Industry

The School of Computer Science welcomed back three alumni to give keynote talks at our lost in translation event earlier this week. The well-attended and informative event organised by Professor Aaron Quigley, afforded current PhD students and early researchers in computer science an exclusive opportunity to hear from previous students about their transition from academia to industry.

Talks chaired by Dr Ognjen Arandelovic, highlighted the challenges and opportunities faced during their PhD journey but without doubt strengthened the concept of transferable skills provided by postgraduate study and research activities. Presentations incorporated research skills, internships, analytical ability, teamwork, the value of teaching and tutoring responsibilities, designing the CS merchandise, communication skills, the flexibility of research areas and the importance of social activities.


Breakout sessions permitted small group discussions with each of our alumni, where they conveyed different experiences of research activities in the school, and their on-going experience of working within industry and within a recent start up. We are extremely proud of our alumni and thank them for their continued contribution to scheduled events, and for being fantastic ambassadors for Computer Science at St Andrews.

Alumni Keynote Speakers:
James Smith, Google, London.
Angus Macdonald, Aetherworks, New York.
Neil Moore, Adobe, Edinburgh.

Invited Guest:
Polly Purvis, CEO of ScotlandIS.

The event was funded by SICSA, The Scottish Informatics and Computer Science Alliance.