Dr Tristan Henderson has a St Leonards interdisciplinary PhD studentship available, to be co-supervised by Professor Kirstie Ball of the School of Management. The area of study is to do with ethical values and data science. The student will be part of CRISP (Centre for Research into Information, Surveillance & Privacy), a collaborative research centre involving St Andrews, Edinburgh and Stirling. As an interdisciplinary project, we welcome and will consider applications from students with a wide variety of backgrounds, from computer science to management to technology law and anything in between. More details can be found on the CRISP website.
PhD viva success: Alexander Murashko
Congratulations to Alexander Murashko, who successfully defended his thesis last week. Alexander is pictured with External Examiner, Professor Paul McKevitt from Ulster University, Internal Examiner Dr Kasim Terzic, Convener Professor Alan Dearle and Supervisor Dr John Thomson.
Image courtesy of Annemarie Paton.
PhD viva success: Martin McCaffery
Congratulations to Martin McCaffery, who successfully defended his thesis today. He is pictured with supervisor Dr Mark-Jan Nederhof, Internal examiner Dr Graham Kirby and external examiner Dr Maja Popović from Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin.
PhD viva success: Long Thai
Congratulations to Long Thai, who successfully defended his thesis today. He is pictured with supervisor Dr Adam Barker, Internal examiner Dr John Thomson and external examiner Dr Rami Bahsoon, from the University of Birmingham. Long is joining Amazon as a Software Engineer.
PhD viva success: Anne-Marie Mann
Congratulations to Anne-Marie Mann, who successfully defended her thesis yesterday. She is pictured with Internal examiner Dr Colin Allison and external examiner Dr Paul Marshall, from UCL.
School of Computer Science – PhD Scholarships
The School of Computer Science at the University of St Andrews offers funding for up to six students to undertake PhD research starting in the Fall of 2017 in any of the areas of research carried out by its academic faculty (which includes, but is not limited to, Artificial Intelligence and Symbolic Computation, Computer Systems Engineering, Human-Computer Interaction, and Programming Languages).
We are looking for highly motivated research students willing to be part of a diverse and supportive research community.
Applicants must hold a BSc or MSc in an area appropriate for their proposed topic of study (usually Computer Science, but not restricted to it). The Scholarship covers PhD fees and provides a tax-free maintenance stipend of £14,296 per year for 3.5 years. Exceptional students can apply for an additional £2,000 per year. International applications are welcome.
We especially encourage female applicants and underrepresented minorities to apply. Admission is competitive but candidate selection takes into account the motivation, skills and previous experience of the candidates. If you are interested, please get in contact with us by e-mail even if you are not sure of your eligibility or strength as a candidate (write an e-mail to pg-admin-cs@st-andrews.ac.uk Subject: Informal PhD Inquiry). We will facilitate contact with a member of research staff in your area of interest (for a list of existing faculty and areas of research see http://www.cs.st-andrews.ac.uk/prospective-pg/postgraduate-supervisors).
For further information, including the step-by-step procedure on how to apply please check our postgraduate-research web page (http://www.cs.st-andrews.ac.uk/prospective-pg/research-degrees). The closing date for applications is March 31st 2017 and we will make decisions on studentship allocation by April 30th 2017. Before preparing a full application we recommend that you contact us by e-mail at pg-admin-cs@st-andrews.ac.uk.
PhD Viva success: Ildiko Pete
Congratulations to Ildiko Pete, who successfully defended her thesis today. She is pictured below with supervisor Dr Dharini Balasubramaniam, Internal examiner Dr Adam Barker and external examiner Professor Pete Sawyer, from Lancaster University.
Graduation November 2016
Congratulations to the Masters Class of 2016, and PhD students Dr Vinodh Sampath and Dr Oche Ejembi, who graduated last month. Each year, students are invited to a reception in Computer Science to celebrate their achievement and reflect on their time in the School, with staff and guests.
Our graduates have moved on to a wide variety of interesting and challenging employment and further study opportunities, and we wish them all well with their future careers.
PhD Viva success: Oche Ejembi
Congratulations to Oche Ejembi who successfully defended his thesis today. He is pictured below with supervisor Professor Saleem Bhatti, internal examiner Dr Tom Kelsey and external examiner Dr Marwan Fayed from Stirling University.
PhD Viva Success: Jakub Dostal
Congratulations to Jakub Dostal, who successfully defended his thesis today. He is pictured below celebrating with supervisor Professor Aaron Quigley, internal examiner Dr Miguel Nacenta and external examiner Dr Keith Cheverst from the University of Lancaster.