Best poster award: Sidetap and Slingshot Gestures on Unmodified Smartwatches
Congratulations to Hui-Shyong Yeo, Professor Aaron Quigley and colleagues, who won best poster at UIST2016.
Their paper Sidetap and Slingshot Gestures on Unmodified Smartwatches, is available through the ACM digital library.
MSc Poster and Demo Session 2015
In September 2014 a diverse group of students commenced their studies on our MSc portfolio. Some are pictured below at our annual welcome reception.
Fast forward to August 2015 and after a year of hard work, and an intensive summer dissertation project, they submitted their dissertation. Today they presented their posters and demonstrated project artefacts.
The eventful poster session provided the perfect occasion for students to meet with second markers, reflect upon their MSc journey and appreciate the projects completed by their peers.
Congratulations to Milena Marzluff, who will receive the coveted amazon voucher for best poster.
We wish them all, every success with future plans, and look forward to seeing them again at November graduation.
April in Computer Science: Poster Presentations and World Domination
The Senior Honours students presented their posters and final year software artifacts to staff and students last week. The best poster accolade and associated amazon voucher was presented to Callum Hyland for his poster – Android: Smoking Cessation, behavioural pattern prediction through spatial and temporal modelling. We wish them well with exam revision and look forward to seeing them at June graduation.
The Junior Honours students finalised their team projects last Friday and competed for world domination. This year the project involved implementing a multi-player peer-to-peer world domination game, with AI. We await news of which team dominated the CS world for a time on Friday.
Images courtesy of Lisa Dow and Simone Conte
PhD Poster Session 2015
MSc Poster Demo Session 2014
Last September a diverse group of students arrived at orientation to begin, their MSc journey.
After a year of hard work, and an intensive summer project, students submitted their final dissertation last week. Earlier today they had an opportunity to present their posters and demonstrate their project artefacts.
With prizes awarded to the top 3 posters and cakes for all, the session proved busy and provided the perfect occasion to meet with second markers, reflect upon the dissertation journey and appreciate the projects completed by their peers.
Congratulations to Alice Herbison (overall winner): The design and implementation of DentalAnx, (best runner-ups) Bejamin Yakubu: AMLA Android Multimedia Learning Aid, and Thomas Brunner: Interactive Realtime Analysis of Social Media Data, all three received the coveted amazon vouchers.
We wish them all, every success with future plans, and look forward to seeing them again at December 2014 Graduation!
Senior Honours Poster and Demo Sessions
Our talented final year Computer Science students presented their projects last week. A demonstration and poster session allowed them to discuss the output from a semester of hard work with their peer group and staff.
We wish them every success as they approach graduation, and look forward to celebrating their successful CS journey, next Thursday at the SH BBQ.
Images courtesy of Conrad de Kerckhove.
MSc Poster Demo Session 2013
After a summer of hard work, our MSc students submitted their final dissertations last week. Earlier today they had an opportunity to present their posters and demonstrate their project artefacts.
With prizes for the top 3 posters and cakes for all, the session was very busy and provided the perfect occasion to reflect upon their own dissertation journey and appreciate the projects completed by their peers. Congratulations to Ilya Lvov, Oleg Iliev and Olalekan Baruwa who received the coveted amazon vouchers for best poster.

Main image from left to right: Ilya Lvov, Oleg Iliev and Olalekan Baruwa complete with Amazon Vouchers
Poster Titles
- Ilya Lvov, Data Journalism: Tools and Practices
- Oleg Iliev, Exploration of QoS and QoE using radar charts
- Olalekan Baruwa, IVF-predict and MyOvaries: An exploration, implementation and deployment of Bio-Medical Mobile Software Applications.
We wish them every success as they approach graduation and look forward to seeing them again in November!
MSc Poster Demo Session 2012
After a summer of hard work the MSc student poster presentations and project demos took place earlier today. Dissertations were submitted on Monday. We wish them every success as they approach graduation and look forward to seeing them again in November!
Senior Honours Project Madness
The dedicated and talented final year Computer Science students presented their projects yesterday. Short presentations were followed by demonstrations and a poster session.
We wish them every success as they approach graduation.
Best Poster: Isobel Hale
Multiple Intrusion Detection System Testing Suite (MISTY)
Best Project Madness Presentation: Thomas Nicholson
Cross-Modal Interactive World Builder