Search by category: cs 2024

World of Wikidata

The Junior Honours module is compulsory and taken by all third year Computer Science students. This year, they were tasked with creating visualisations connected to Wiki Projects using information from Wikidata. These…

Steganographic Messaging

From the Greek “steganographia”, steganography means “covered writing”. It’s about hiding messages within other things, like images or audio, to communicate secretly. Steganographic algorithms hide data but don’t fully…

Minesweeper Hint System

Imagine playing Minesweeper and getting stuck. This system uses smart techniques to assist your gameplay. It combined two solving methods: constraint programming, which helps narrow down where mines might be based on…

Web Technologies

As part of a broad restructuring of our postgraduate teaching, we are refactoring and refocussing our teaching of web technologies. Our aim is to give a solid understanding of core concepts and technologies, to give…

Students’ Perspectives on Learning Analytics

Collecting students’ perspectives on learning analytics to inform guidelines and create mock-up designs for the university to implement. Q: What are learning analytics? A: Data on the learner that is analysed and…

MSc in Software Engineering

Following a review of all our in-person MSc programmes, the MSc Software Engineering programme is being revised to bring it up to date, provide coverage of some of the important topics in this vast area, and to prepare…