Lewis McMillan (St Andrews): Parallel Computer Simulations of Light-Tissue Interactions for Applications in Medicine, Cosmetics Industry and Biophotonics Research (School Seminar)


Tissue ablation is a widely used treatment in both the cosmetic and medical sectors, for treating various diseases or to improve cosmetic outlooks. We present our tissue ablation model which can predict the depth of ablation, and the surrounding thermal damage caused by the laser during ablation.

“Non-diffracting” beams have a multitude of uses in physics, from optical manipulation to improved microscopy light sources. For the first time we show that these beams can be modelled using Monte Carlo radiation transport method. Allowing better insight into how these beams propagate in a turbid medium.

Both of these projects use the Monte Carlo radiation transport method (MCRT) to simulate light transport. The MCRT method is a powerful numerical method that can solve light transport though heavily scattering and absorbing mediums, such as biological tissues. The method is extremely flexible and can model arbitrary geometries and light sources. MCRT can also model the various micro-physics of the simulated medium, such as polarisation, fluorescence, and Raman scattering. This talk will give an overview of our group’s work, with particular focus on simulating tissue ablation, and modelling “non-diffracting” beams.

Speaker Bio:

Lewis McMillan is a final year physics PhD student at St Andrews University. His research interests are in using Monte Carlo radiation transport method for various applications within medicine and biophotonics.

Event details

  • When: 23rd April 2019 14:00 - 15:00
  • Where: Cole 1.33a
  • Series: School Seminar Series
  • Format: Seminar