Senior Honours Project Madness

The dedicated and talented final year Computer Science students presented their projects yesterday. Short presentations were followed by demonstrations and a poster session.
We wish them every success as they approach graduation.

Best Poster: Isobel Hale

Multiple Intrusion Detection System Testing Suite (MISTY)

Best Project Madness Presentation: Thomas Nicholson

Cross-Modal Interactive World Builder

Honourable mentions for two ACM research papers

Per Ola Kristensson has two recent papers published in top ACM conferences that have received honourable mentions:

One from the archives: The Jack Cole Building

The Jack Cole building was officially opened by the then First Minister Jack McConnell on the 18th March 2005. The building was named after the founder of Computer Science at St Andrews. Read more about the opening in the university news archives.

Read more about Jack Cole and view pictures of the reception held after the opening.

Unveiling the Plaque

Virtual Worlds at Sensation

Weekend at Sensation

It’s been a busy weekend for the virtual worlds group. The reconstructed St Andrews Cathedral and other ongoing projects, were on display at Sensation in Dundee as part of the “Create and Inspire” initiative.

Friday involved organised school visits and Saturday and Sunday proved busy with members of the public entering the reconstruction to speak to Robert the Bruce and take a guided tour.

The visitors book recorded some great comments, extracts from this will be posted shortly, on the Virtual Worlds Blog.

New MSci (Hons) in Computer Science (5 years)

MSci (Hons) in Computer Science (5 years)

The MSci (Honours) in Computer Science is an exciting new integrated masters degree that is being introduced for 2013 entry. It takes place over five years, with an option for direct entry into the second year. Qualified students can therefore graduate with a Masters degree in four years.

The first three years of the MSci are shared with the BSc programmes. In the final two years, you can choose among modules at 4000 and 5000 (Masters) level, enabling both breadth and depth across the discipline.

The final year is spent in 5000 level modules as well as an advanced project. This may take the form of a project within the School, an industrial placement or a research internship, enabling MSci students to build skills that are useful for both academic and industrial careers.

Further information is available through the School Website.

School Seminar by Eoin Woods

The Role of the Software Architect in Industry

Eoin Woods is a professional software architect and amateur software architecture researcher, having spent over 20 years in software engineering practice and contributed a number of papers and a co-authored book to the research literature on software architecture. In this talk, he will discuss how the two worlds relate to each other, the context for software architecture provided by enterprise software development and what software architects actually spend their days doing. The aim of the talk is to provide an honest insight into the day-to-day work of an industrial software architect, while still inspiring people to become one!

Event details

  • When: 8th May 2012 15:00 - 16:00
  • Where: Phys Theatre C
  • Series: CS Colloquia Series
  • Format: Colloquium

Seminar, An Overview of the AspeKT Project – Turning Academic Excellence into Gold by Colin Adams

An Overview of the AspeKT Project – Turning Academic Excellence into Gold


The talk will give an overview of the major elements of the AspeKT project a 3 year program funded by Scottish Enterprise and the Scottish Funding Council dedicated to improving the flow of ideas between the research excellence and talent pool produced by SICSA, and local industry. It will go through the major elements of the program designed to stimulate industrial innovation and a great flow of start-ups from that research base.


Dr Colin Adams is the Director of Commercialisation at the School of Informatics, University of Edinburgh and the Director of the AspekT program – the knowledge transfer program for the SICSA research pool. Colin started as an academic in the 1970’s before moving to Digital Equipment Corporation where he managed the development of VAX/VMS operating system before running the office automation business and the All-In-1 product line. He then moved into Electronic Design Automation and silicon, founding European Silicon Structures , US Silicon Structures and EuCAD. He sold EuCAD to Cadence Design Systems and managed various Cadence businesses and finally running the TALITY Management Buy Out. After a brief attempt at retiring he returned to the School of Informatics at University of Edinburgh to run the ProspeKT program focusing on generating start-ups out of the talent pool there.
He also chairs 2 local start-ups: ATEEDA and Coriolis Media and is a non Exec Director for ScotlandIS. HE has a BSc in Computer Science and Mathematics and a PhD in Computer Science, both from the University of Edinburgh

Event details

  • When: 23rd April 2012 14:00 - 15:00
  • Where: Phys Theatre C
  • Series: CS Colloquia Series
  • Format: Colloquium