PhD Reading Party 2012

The PhD Reading Party was held at the Burn House, just outside Edzell in the
North East of Scotland.

It was an opportunity for the research students to
give a talk in a relaxed atmosphere, about their research interests.
It also allowed for some socialising while wandering through the nearby
woods and rivers.

Each student gave a 20 minute talk including time for questions and discussions.

In the free time some went off to explore the nearby forest and salmon
rich river while others decided to take a trip to Montrose and test the
North Sea.

Text and Images Courtesy of Ruth Hoffmann

MSc Poster Demo Session 2012

After a summer of hard work the MSc student poster presentations and project demos took place earlier today. Dissertations were submitted on Monday. We wish them every success as they approach graduation and look forward to seeing them again in November!

Computer Science Graduates

Congratulations to Comp Sci grads Robert MacInnis, Allan Boyd and Angus Macdonald who are launching their software company AetherStore™ this week at the Microsoft Worldwide Partners Conference. Read about their new business in the press release and in the University Alumni Network. Visit their websites at and
We wish you every success in your new business venture.


Read more about AetherStore in Scottish PhDs hoist kilt to reveal storage array killer at The Register.

Seminar – Connecting Families over Distance – Dr. Carman Neustaedter

Connecting Families over Distance

Families often have a real need and desire to stay connected with their remote family members and close friends. For example, grandparents want to see their grandchildren grow up, empty-nest parents want to know about the well being of their adult children, and parents want to be involved in their children’s daily routines and happenings while away from them. Video conferencing is one technology that is increasingly being used by families to support this type of need. In this talk, I will give an overview of the research that my students and I have done in this space. This includes studies of the unique ways in which families with children, long-distance couples, and teenagers make use of existing video chat systems to support ‘presence’ and ‘connection’ over distance. I will also show several systems we have designed to support always-on video connections that move beyond ‘talking heads’ to ‘shared experiences’.


Dr. Carman Neustaedter is an Assistant Professor in the School of Interactive Arts and Technology at Simon Fraser University, Canada. Dr. Neustaedter specializes in the areas of human-computer interaction, domestic computing, and computer-supported collaboration. He is the director of the Connections Lab, an interdisciplinary research group focused on the design and use of technologies for connecting people through space and time. This includes design for families and friends, support for workplace collaboration, and bringing people together through pervasive games. For more information, see:
Connections Lab.

Event details

  • When: 18th June 2012 14:00 - 15:00
  • Where: Cole 1.33a
  • Series: CS Colloquia Series
  • Format: Colloquium

Connect 4 anyone?

The subhonours lab was busy with the Connect 4 challenge this morning. Students taking CS1006 Programming Projects worked in pairs in a round-robin format, in which every duo plays every other once. Congratulations to Hamish and Mariya who won today’s challenge and received Amazon Vouchers as a reward.

Senior Honours Project Madness

The dedicated and talented final year Computer Science students presented their projects yesterday. Short presentations were followed by demonstrations and a poster session.
We wish them every success as they approach graduation.

Best Poster: Isobel Hale

Multiple Intrusion Detection System Testing Suite (MISTY)

Best Project Madness Presentation: Thomas Nicholson

Cross-Modal Interactive World Builder