Orientation 2024

We look forward to welcoming all our students to the School for the new academic year.

Details of the events for staff and students scheduled for the week commencing 9th September are in the Computer Science Orientation Programme.

More information on the University Orientation and Induction Events provides students with an overview of the University, and important dates to mark in your calendar.

GAP Days Summer 2024 @ St Andrews

The School of Computer Science hosted this years Summer GAP Days between 26th August and 30th August.

GAP Days are workshops where developers and users with programming experience are invited to influence the future development of [GAP] by initiating and contributing to discussions and coding sprints.

These GAP Days have been special as we celebrated 10 years of the [Digraphs] package as well as 10 years of [GAP Days] (to the week!).

We had a great selection of speakers and attendees from varied backgrounds, which cumulated in the release of the re-vamped GAP webpage, and over 30 new versions of packages!

First Away Day between Constrained Programming group and Statistical Ecology group held over the summer

The first Away Day between Constrained Programming group from the Computer Science department and Statistical Ecology group from the Centre for Research into Ecological and Environmental modeling (https://www.creem.st-andrews.ac.uk/) was organized over the summer on May 7th, 2024 from 9:30 to 3:00 p.m. It was organised by Ian Miguel and Özgür Akgün from the constraint programming group and by David Borchers and Chris Sutherland from the statistical ecology group. The event was attended by 20 people including faculty members and PhD students from both the departments. The title of the Away Day was “Exploring the connection between constraint programming and statistical ecology”.

This was the first event from the School of Computer Science to be held in the Boiler Room, House Education Centre in the Botanic Gardens in St Andrews. It makes a beautiful location for an Away Day. The room used to be a storage house but has recently been converted to a meeting room that can be booked for free by all students and staff.

The Away Day was opened by two talks from the constraint programming group. The first one was delivered by Özgür Akgün  with the title “A short survey of work on Statistics & Constraint programming”. The second talk was “A quick introduction on automated algorithm configuration and selection” by Nguyen Dang.

These were followed by two talks from the statistical ecology group. The first speaker was Prof. David Borchers who was recently awarded the RSS Barnett Award for 2024 by the Royal Statistics Society (RSS) for his work in developing new methodologies and spatial capture-recapture. He presented a talk on “Dealing with recapture uncertainty in spatial capture-recapture”. The second speaker was Chris Sutherland who talked about “Optimal sampling in ecological monitoring”.

The event concluded by open discussions on opportunities for collaboration between the two groups and funding opportunities. The Away Day was a success since it confirmed statistical ecology as a potential application area for constraint programming. On the other side, it identified the potential of constraint programming for providing computational efficiency in dealing with spatial capture-recapture problems for statistical ecology.

Blog post written by science communicator Qurat Ul Ain Shaheen

CS Graduation Reception

On behalf of the school, we would like to invite our Graduating Students and your guests to our upcoming graduation reception.

Please join us in celebrating your achievements and marking this significant milestone in your academic journey with a glass of bubbly and some cakes from Fisher and Donaldsons

    • Date: Wednesday, 12th June
    • Time: 10:30 AM – 12:30 PM
    • Location: Jack Cole Coffee area

We look forward to seeing you there.

Best Wishes,

The Admin Team

Distinguished Lecture series 2024

This years Distinguished Lecture series was delivered yesterday ( Tuesday 12th March) by Professor Neil Lawrence, University of Cambridge

In his talk on, ‘The Atomic Human Understanding Ourselves in the Age of AI’ he gave an overview of where we are now with machine learning solutions, and what challenges we face both in the near and far future. These include the practical application of existing algorithms in the face of the need to explain decision-making, mechanisms for improving the quality and availability of data and dealing with large unstructured datasets.

Seminar: Tangible User Interfaces 13th March 2024

We have 2 presentations next week focusing on Tangible interfaces by Laura Pruszko and Anna Carter.

Talk 1: Designing for Modularity – a modular approach to physical user interfaces


Designing for Modularity – a modular approach to physical user interfaces by Laura Pruszko
Physical user interfaces, future or history? While some of our old physical UIs get progressively replaced by their graphical counterparts, humans still rely on physicality for eye-free interaction. Shape-changing user interfaces — i.e. physical devices able to change their shape to accommodate the user, the task, or the environment – are often presented as a way to bridge the gap between the physicality of physical user interfaces and the flexibility of graphical user interfaces, but they come with their fair share of challenges. In this presentation, we will talk about these challenges under the specific scope of modular shape-changing interfaces: how do we design for modularity? What is the impact on the user? As these kinds of interfaces are not commonplace in our everyday lives, they introduce novel usability considerations for the HCI community to explore.


Laura Pruszko is a lecturer in the Applied Computer Games department of Glasgow Caledonian University. Her research focuses on interaction with physical user interfaces and modular systems. She obtained her PhD from Grenoble Alpes University in 2023, as part of the multidisciplinary Programmable Matter consortium. This consortium brings together people from different horizons such as artists, entrepreneurs, HCI and robotics researchers, to collaborate towards enabling the long-term vision of Claytronics.

Talk 2: Sense of Place, Cultural Heritage and Civic Engagement


In this presentation, I will provide an overview of my recent work, where I implemented a range of interactive probes, exploring sense of place and cultural heritage within a regenerating city centre. Through these digital multimodal interactions, citizens actively participated in the sharing of cultural heritage, fostering a sense of belonging and nostalgia. Looking ahead, I’ll discuss how these insights inform my ongoing work at the intersection of the Digital Civics project and the Centre for Digital Citizens project. This presentation will not only offer my personal insights but also open the floor for collaborative discussions on integrating these crucial aspects into future embedded research.


Anna Carter is a Research Fellow at Northumbria University she has extensive experience in designing technologies for local council regeneration programs, her work focuses on creating accessible digital experiences in a variety of contexts using human-centred methods and participatory design. She works on building Digital Civics research capacities of early career researchers as part of the EU funded DCitizens Programme and on digital civics, outdoor spaces and sense of place as part of the EPSRC funded Centre for Digital Citizens.

Event details:

  • When: 13th March 2024 12:00 – 14:00. There’ll be cakes and soft drinks from 12 onwards. The talks will be from 12:30 – 13:30
  • Where: Jack Cole 1.33 (Soft drinks and cake provided by F&D)