Computer Science 2015: Orientation and Welcome

After a busy week of induction and module talks, staff and students are pictured during orientation and welcome receptions. Undergraduate students were invited to a gaming session followed by pizza. It’s always rewarding to see so many students and staff welcoming our new 1st year students. Thanks to School president, Maria Kustikova for overseeing events.

Undergraduate gaming and pizza during orientation

Undergraduate gaming and pizza during orientation

Welcome receptions last Wednesday and Thursday evening for our MSc and Honours students, also proved popular and highlight the outstanding student community within the School.

MSc reception September 2015

MSc reception September 2015

Honours welcome reception 2015

Honours welcome reception 2015

MSc Poster Demo Session 2014

Last September a diverse group of students arrived at orientation to begin, their MSc journey.

Start of the journey: September 2013

Start of the journey: September 2013

After a year of hard work, and an intensive summer project, students submitted their final dissertation last week. Earlier today they had an opportunity to present their posters and demonstrate their project artefacts.

MSc Poster Session:  Pinning, Preparation and Presentation

MSc Poster Session: Pinning, Preparation and Presentation

End of the MSc journey: August 2014

End of the MSc journey: August 2014

With prizes awarded to the top 3 posters and cakes for all, the session proved busy and provided the perfect occasion to meet with second markers, reflect upon the dissertation journey and appreciate the projects completed by their peers.

Congratulations to Alice Herbison (overall winner): The design and implementation of DentalAnx, (best runner-ups) Bejamin Yakubu: AMLA Android Multimedia Learning Aid, and Thomas Brunner: Interactive Realtime Analysis of Social Media Data, all three received the coveted amazon vouchers.

Clockwise from left: Benjamin, Alice and Thomas complete with their winning poster. Receiving Amazon vouchers for top 3 posters.

Clockwise from top left: Benjamin, Alice and Thomas complete with poster. Receiving Amazon vouchers

We wish them all, every success with future plans, and look forward to seeing them again at December 2014 Graduation!

Summer Days in Computer Science

Students and staff took advantage of the Scottish weather on Friday and held a BBQ to mark the anniversary of these events.

  • The Great Fire of Rome
  • Birth of Computer Scientist Mark Crispin
  • The Opening of the StACS Garden



Organised by Jan de Muijnck-Hughes and David Letham. Cooked by Jan de Muijnck-Hughes and Masih Hajiarabderkani. Salad ingredients from the StACS Garden. Enjoyed by all (including Pippa the dog).

Postgraduate Computer Science BBQ

After a busy week of welcome talks and induction, orientation week drew to a close with the postgraduate BBQ.

MSc and PhD students had an opportunity to meet each other, discuss their diverse backgrounds, previous studies, eat burgers, twiglets and consume the local delicacy Irn Bru.

Images Courtesy of Anne Campbell

PhD Reading Party 2012

The PhD Reading Party was held at the Burn House, just outside Edzell in the
North East of Scotland.

It was an opportunity for the research students to
give a talk in a relaxed atmosphere, about their research interests.
It also allowed for some socialising while wandering through the nearby
woods and rivers.

Each student gave a 20 minute talk including time for questions and discussions.

In the free time some went off to explore the nearby forest and salmon
rich river while others decided to take a trip to Montrose and test the
North Sea.

Text and Images Courtesy of Ruth Hoffmann

Senior Honours Project Madness

The dedicated and talented final year Computer Science students presented their projects yesterday. Short presentations were followed by demonstrations and a poster session.
We wish them every success as they approach graduation.

Best Poster: Isobel Hale

Multiple Intrusion Detection System Testing Suite (MISTY)

Best Project Madness Presentation: Thomas Nicholson

Cross-Modal Interactive World Builder

November Graduation 2011

Congratulations to the Masters Class of 2011, and our PhD students, who graduated today. Students were invited to a reception in the school to celebrate their achievement with staff, friends and family. Our graduates have moved on to a wide variety of interesting and challenging employment opportunities, and we wish them all well with their future careers.

Undergrad BBQ

Another BBQ in the School is underway. An opportunity to welcome the new undergraduates and allow them to meet other Comp Sci students. A great turnout from 2nd yr, JH and SH.

Computer Science Gamefest

A small Gamefest in the sub honours lab on Wednesday proved successful and attracted some of our new undergraduate students.

Comp Sci staples Pizza and Irn Bru provided sustenance for the afternoon session of Mario Kart and Call of Duty.