Last September a diverse group of students arrived at orientation to begin, their MSc journey.

Start of the journey: September 2013
After a year of hard work, and an intensive summer project, students submitted their final dissertation last week. Earlier today they had an opportunity to present their posters and demonstrate their project artefacts.

MSc Poster Session: Pinning, Preparation and Presentation

End of the MSc journey: August 2014
With prizes awarded to the top 3 posters and cakes for all, the session proved busy and provided the perfect occasion to meet with second markers, reflect upon the dissertation journey and appreciate the projects completed by their peers.
Congratulations to Alice Herbison (overall winner): The design and implementation of DentalAnx, (best runner-ups) Bejamin Yakubu: AMLA Android Multimedia Learning Aid, and Thomas Brunner: Interactive Realtime Analysis of Social Media Data, all three received the coveted amazon vouchers.

Clockwise from top left: Benjamin, Alice and Thomas complete with poster. Receiving Amazon vouchers
We wish them all, every success with future plans, and look forward to seeing them again at December 2014 Graduation!