PhD student project showcase in CyberASAPY8 Demo Day

A group of PhD students: Yaxiong Lei and Zihang Zhang, in our school have been awarded a CyberASAP project. This is funded by the Department of Science, Innovation, and Technology (DSIT) and organised by InnovateUK. CyberASAP aims to fund innovative cybersecurity solutions from academics. Their project, LockEyeGaze, confronts the cybersecurity challenge of sophisticated computer vision and 3D modelling technologies such as deepfake and AI-generated tampering. They are leveraging the dynamic patterns of eye movements for security, which are significantly more difficult to replicate than static biometric features like static face, iris and fingerprints. Their project is selected to present at CyberASAP Year 8 Demo Day in Canary Wharf, London today.


PGR Seminar with Ben Claydon and Erdem Kus

The next PGR seminar is taking place this Friday 28th February at 2PM in JC 1.33a

Below are Titles and Abstracts for Ben and Erdem’s talks – Please do come along if you are able.

Ben Claydon

Title: Mechanisms for Similarity Search


Similarity search encompasses the task of finding those objects in a large collection which are most alike to, in some way, an object presented by the user as a query. The domain of these objects is wide, from images to text to chemical structures. This task becomes yet harder when the database becomes extremely large, and a sublinear query time with respect to the database size becomes a requirement. This talk discusses why the problem becomes so hard when presented with complex data, and how algorithms and data structures can be engineered to serve these queries.

Erdem Kus

Title: Frugal Algorithm Selection

Abstract: When solving decision and optimisation problems, many competing algorithms (model and solver choices) have complementary strengths. Typically, there is no single algorithm that works well for all instances of a problem. Automated algorithm selection has been shown to work very well for choosing a suitable algorithm for a given instance. However, the cost of training can be prohibitively large due to running candidate algorithms on a representative set of training instances. In this work, we explore reducing this cost by choosing a subset of the training instances on which to train. We approach this problem in three ways: using active learning to decide based on prediction uncertainty, augmenting the algorithm predictors with a timeout predictor, and collecting training data using a progressively increasing timeout. We evaluate combinations of these approaches on six datasets from ASLib and present the reduction in labelling cost achieved by each option.

PGR Seminar with Sharon Pisani

The next PGR seminar is taking place this Friday 21st February at 2PM in JC 1.33a

Below is a Title and Abstract for Sharon’s talk – Please do come along if you are able.

Title: Digital Cultural Landscapes for Sustainable Development in Remote and Island Communities

Abstract: Heritage plays a crucial role in community identity and sustainable development, yet remote and island communities often face challenges in engaging with and protecting their landscapes. This research explores how emergent digital technologies—such as 3D modelling, VR, and AR—can enhance heritage engagement and contribute to sustainable development. Using a practice-led methodology, case studies from Scotland and Malta demonstrate how digital cultural landscapes can support climate action, institutional capacity-building, and sustainable communities. A sustainable virtual museum framework is being developed, linking heritage to real-world environmental and socio-economic challenges. This presentation highlights the findings from these case studies, and the next steps in developing an immersive digital environment for an underwater heritage site.

PGR Seminar with Sachin Yadav and Junyu Zhang

The next PGR seminar is taking place this Friday 14th February at 2PM in JC 1.33a

Below is a title and Abstract for Sachin and Junyu’s talks – Please do come along if you are able.

Sachin Yadav

Title: Reimagining the Digital Gig Economy: Evaluating the economic feasibility and technological capabilities of physical cooperative gig platform

Abstract: The gig economy, fuelled by digital platforms, has transformed the labour markets around the world, offering flexibility but often at the cost of security for the worker and fair compensation. This presentation explores platform cooperatives – a democratically owned and governed alternative – as a potential solution to these challenges. I will delve into the economic feasibility and technological capabilities of physical delivery cooperatives, comparing them to traditional investor-owned platforms. By examining key performance metrics, regulatory environments, and worker empowerment, my ongoing work will assess whether platform cooperatives can achieve a comparable level of service while fostering more equitable working conditions. This presentation aims to spark discussion on the future of the gig economy and the role cooperative models can play in creating a more sustainable digital labour landscape.

Junyu Zhang

Title: Engaging Culture Heritage with Authentic Characters to Support Inclusive Learning

Abstract: Digitalization opens up new opportunities for cultural heritage, and lately the exploration of virtual reality has created new forms of representation of cultural content for educational institutions, museum exhibitions, and heritage preservation organizations. High-fidelity technology allows virtual agents to simulate realistic human appearances and behaviour to interact and engage with their surroundings. This speech presents work-in-progress research regarding designing, creating and utilising authentic characters to strengthen the exhibition of cultural heritage. Through the discussion on research design and practice, this research examines the capability of characters to enrich immersion and communication with heritage. This presentation introduces the realism and authenticity of character design, clarifies the goals for digitalization for inclusive learning opportunities in SDG, and ends with future work.

PGR Seminar with Mustafa Abdelwahed and Maria Andrei

The next PGR seminar is taking place this Friday 6th December at 2PM in JC 1.33a

Below is a title and Abstract for Mustafa and Maria’s talks – Please do come along if you are able.

Mustafa Abdelwahed:

Title: Behaviour Planning: A toolbox for diverse planning


Diverse planning approaches are utilised in real-world applications like risk management, automated streamed data analysis, and malware detection. These approaches aim to create diverse plans through a two-phase process. The first phase generates plans, while the second selects a subset of plans based on a diversity model. A diversity model is a function that quantifies the diversity of a given set of plans based on a provided distance function.

Unfortunately, existing diverse planning approaches do not account for those models when generating plans and struggle to explain why any two plans are different.

Existing diverse planning approaches do not account for those models when generating plans, hence struggle to explain why any two plans are different, and are limited to classical planning.

To address such limitations, we introduce Behaviour Planning, a novel toolbox that creates diverse plans based on customisable diversity models and can explain why two plans are different concerning such models.

Maria Andrei

Title: Leveraging Immersive Technology to Enhance Climate Communication, Education & Action

Abstract: Climate change represents one of the most pressing challenges of our time, not only in its environmental impacts, but also as a pivotal science communication problem. Despite widespread scientific consensus on the causes and mitigation strategies for climate change, public understanding remains deeply fragmented and polarized. This disconnect hinders the collective action required from individuals, organizations, and policymakers to combat global warming effectively. My research explores the potential of immersive technologies to bridge the gap between scientific knowledge and public understanding by leveraging experiential learning experiences to inspire the attitudinal and behavioural shifts necessary to address climate change.

World-Leading PhD Scholarship in Health Informatics

A fully-funded PhD scholarship is available to support an exceptional student wishing to undertake doctoral research in health informatics, in particular looking at analysing and predicting disease trajectories of multimorbidity. This prestigious PhD scholarship is awarded by St Leonard’s Postgraduate College at the University of St Andrews and will be supervised by Dr Areti Manataki, Dr Katherine Keenan, Prof Colin McCowan and Dr Michail Papathomas. Applications must be received by 12 June 2023.

Further information, including how to apply, can be found at:

Tom Kelsey appointed Associate Editor of Human Reproduction Update

Arne Sunde, the incoming Editor-in-Chief, has appointed Tom Kelsey as Associate Editor of Human Reproduction Update.

Human Reproduction Update is the leading journal in Reproductive Medicine, with an Impact Factor of 11.852. The journal publishes comprehensive and systematic review articles in human reproductive physiology and medicine, and is published on behalf of the European Society of Human Reproduction and Embryology (ESHRE). The Associate Editor system at Human Reproduction Update has been in place since the beginning of 2001 and it has a significant positive effect on the quality and dynamism of the journal.

In the ISI JCR Global Ranking for 2017, Human Reproduction Update is ranked first of 29 journals in Reproductive Biology, and first of 82 journals in Obstetrics & Gynecology.

Tom Kelsey has published extensively in Human Reproduction Update and its sister journals Human Reproduction (impact factor 4.949) and Molecular Human Reproduction (impact factor 3.449). He is also Associate Editor for the Open Access journals Frontiers in Endocrinology and Frontiers in Physiology. He is a regular reviewer for these journals and also the British Medical Journal, BMJ Open, Health Education Journal, Nature Scientific Reports, PLOS One, Mathematical Medicine and Biology, Systems Biology in Reproductive Medicine, and the European Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology and Reproductive Biology.

Old French Bible Project

A project funded by the Undergraduate Research Assistant Scheme has successfully completed the first stage of interdisciplinary work, between the Institute of Mediaeval Studies and the School of Computer Science.  The long-term aim is to digitise and analyse early French bibles.

In this pilot project, undergraduate student Gregor Haywood, under the supervision of Prof. Clive Sneddon and Dr. Mark-Jan Nederhof, explored the feasibility of large-scale OCR technology for early printed text.  Scans from a French bible from 1543 were provided by the Special Collections of the University Library.  Much of the project consisted of iterations of automatic transcription, manual correction, retraining, and evaluation of accuracy.  In addition, problems were investigated that specifically arise from taking OCR technology designed for modern printed documents and applying it on early documents. Such problems include non-standard character sets, non-standard page layout, faded or smudged ink, and torn pages.

Despite of these problems, it was demonstrated that error rates below 3% are achievable, which paves the way for a continuation of these efforts.

David Harris-Birtill: Converge Challenge Winner 2016

Congratulations to Dr David Harris-Birtill, who was announced the winner of the Converge Challenge KickStart award at a ceremony in Edinburgh yesterday. The converge challenge competition rewards an early-stage idea or a new product. David won a cash injection prize of £3,000 to kick-start Beyond Medics – Automated Remote Pulse Oximetry, a camera based system that remotely measures patients’ vital signs.


Lost in Translation: Academia to Industry

The School of Computer Science welcomed back three alumni to give keynote talks at our lost in translation event earlier this week. The well-attended and informative event organised by Professor Aaron Quigley, afforded current PhD students and early researchers in computer science an exclusive opportunity to hear from previous students about their transition from academia to industry.

Talks chaired by Dr Ognjen Arandelovic, highlighted the challenges and opportunities faced during their PhD journey but without doubt strengthened the concept of transferable skills provided by postgraduate study and research activities. Presentations incorporated research skills, internships, analytical ability, teamwork, the value of teaching and tutoring responsibilities, designing the CS merchandise, communication skills, the flexibility of research areas and the importance of social activities.


Breakout sessions permitted small group discussions with each of our alumni, where they conveyed different experiences of research activities in the school, and their on-going experience of working within industry and within a recent start up. We are extremely proud of our alumni and thank them for their continued contribution to scheduled events, and for being fantastic ambassadors for Computer Science at St Andrews. You can read Neil’s “moving from academia to industry” blog post for his personal journey and reflection.

Alumni Keynote Speakers:
James Smith, Google, London.
Angus Macdonald, Aetherworks, New York.
Neil Moore, Adobe, Edinburgh.

Invited Guest:
Polly Purvis, CEO of ScotlandIS.

The event was funded by SICSA, The Scottish Informatics and Computer Science Alliance.