Marwan Fayed (St Andrews): Quality of Experience Fairness for Adaptive Video Streams in the Network (School Seminar)


“Why is my kid getting HD on their phone, while I’m stuck with SD on my 50″ TV?” This type of complaint is among the most common directed to streaming services such as Netflix and BBC. Recent studies observe that adaptive video streams, when competing behind a bottleneck link, generate flows that lead to instability, under-utilization, and unfairness. Additional measurements suggest there may also be a negative impact on users’ perceived quality of experience as a consequence. The intuitive response may be, and has been, that application-generated issues should be resolved by the application. In this presentation I shall demonstrate that fairness, by any definition, can only be solved in the network. Moreover, that in an increasingly HTTP-S world, some form of client interaction is required. In support, a new network-layer ‘QoE-fairness’ metric will be be introduced that reflects user experience. Experiments using our open-source implementation in the home environment reinforce the network-layer as the right place to attack the general problem.



Speaker Bio:
Marwan Fayed joined the University of St Andrews in 2018. He received his MA from Boston University and his PhD from the University of Ottawa, in 2003 and 2009 respectively, and in between worked at Microsoft as a member of the Core Reliability Group. In 2009 he joined the University of Stirling, UK as Scottish Informatics and Computer Science Alliance (SICSA) Lecturer, alongside an appointment to ‘Theme Leader’ for networking research in Scotland, 2014-2016. His current research interests lie in wireless algorithms, as well as general network, transport, and measurement in next generation edge networks. He is a co-founder of HUBS C.i.C., an ISP focussed on rural communities, recipient of an IEEE best paper award, and a Senior Member of both the IEEE and ACM.

Event details

  • When: 17th April 2018 14:00 - 15:00
  • Where: Cole 1.33a
  • Series: School Seminar Series
  • Format: Seminar

Compositional Coinduction with Sized Types – Dr. Andreas Abel


Formal languages and automata are taught to every computer science student.  However, the student will most likely not see the beautiful coalgebraic foundations, which use coindutive reasoning.

In this talk, I recapitulate how infinite tries can represent formal languages (sets of strings).  I explain Agda’s coinduction mechanism based on copatterns and sized types demonstrate that it allows an elegant representation of the usual language constructions like union, concatenation, and Kleene star, with the help of Brzozowski derivatives.

Event details

  • When: 16th February 2018 12:00 - 13:00
  • Where: Cole 1.33b
  • Format: Seminar

Impact Talk: Xelect Ltd

This is Impact talk as a “brown bag lunch” (i.e. you bring your lunch if you wish) and the school will provide cakes.

Xelect Ltd

– a successful spin-out from the University of St Andrews

Xelect was founded 5 years ago by Professor Ian Johnston and Dr Tom Ashton to provide genetic services to the global aquaculture industry. The company built on several decades of research in fish physiology and genetics which was funded by BBSRC through to the stage of commercialisation. Xelect develops genetic selection technology and provides associated laboratory support to breeders of finfish, shellfish and shrimps and to date has served 52 customers in 17 countries. We currently manage broodstock genetics programs for producers in Chile, Scotland (Atlantic salmon), Croatia, Greece (seabass and sea bream), New Zealand (King salmon) and Vietnam (Barramundi). The company started out in incubation space at the Scottish Oceans Institute before moving to independent premises in 2016. Xelect also has sales offices in Puerto Montt, Chile and in Hong Kong. The company employs 12 people, mostly PhDs, and is account managed by Scottish Enterprise. Xelect’s shareholders are the founders, the University, SalmoBreed A/S and the EOS Technology Investment Syndicate.

About Ian Johnston

Ian Johnston is former Chandos Professor, Head of the School of Biology and Director of the Scottish Oceans Institute. He currently works full-time for Xelect but retains a 0 FTE position as Professor of Biology.

Event details

  • When: 8th February 2018 13:00 - 14:00
  • Where: Cole 1.33a
  • Format: Seminar, Talk

Matthew Rice (Open Rights Group): Do we need the Third Sector in the debate about technology and ethics? (School Seminar)


Matthew Rice, Scotland Director for the Open Rights Group, the digital rights campaigning organisation, will lead a seminar discussing the role of civil society organisations in the discourse of technology, rights, regulation, and norms. Computer Scientists sit at an important point in this debate, as individuals affected by changes in norms, but more importantly as builders of the applications and the infrastructure that reflect these norms.

The seminar will discuss the impact civil society has on changing norms and laws around the world, and why these actors matter in the space between governments, companies, and wider society. It will introduce students to the Open Rights Group, the UK’s only technology and human rights grassroots campaigning organisation on t, and its current work in the area of technology and human rights.

Digital technology has transformed the way we live and opened up limitless new ways to communicate, connect, share and learn across the world. But for all the benefits, technological developments have created new threats to our human rights. The Open Rights Group raise awareness of these threats and challenge them through public campaigns, legal actions, policy interventions and tech projects.

Event details

  • When: 1st May 2018 14:00 - 15:00
  • Where: Cole 1.33a
  • Series: School Seminar Series
  • Format: Seminar

Arnau Erola (Oxford): Corporate Insider Threat Detection (School Seminar)


It is widely recognised that the threat to enterprises from insider activities is increasing, and that significant costs are being incurred. Since insider threat and compromising actions can take a multitude of forms, there is a diverse experience and understanding of what insider threats are, and how to detect or prevent them. We investigate the potential for detection of insider threat activities within a large enterprise environment using monitoring tools centred around the information infrastructure. In this seminar we will review our experiences and lessons learnt from the implementation and trial of the Corporate Insider Threat Detection (CITD) tool in real organizations, not only from a technical perspective, but also from the legal and ethical aspects.

Speaker Bio:

Dr Arnau Erola is a cyber security expert with strong background in data analytics, machine learning, data mining and information privacy. He is currently a Research Fellow at the Cyber Analytics group of Oxford University, working on enterprise security, defence systems and better understanding the cyber-threat landscape. Dr Erola holds a Ph. D., M. Sc. and B.Sc. in Computer Science from the Rovira i Virgili University of Tarragona (URV). He is author of several international journal articles on online privacy, anonymity protocols and intrusion detection mechanisms.

Event details

  • When: 24th April 2018 14:00 - 15:00
  • Where: Cole 1.33a
  • Series: School Seminar Series
  • Format: Seminar

Elliott Brooks (The HUT Group): Technology at The HUT Group (School Seminar)


The HUT Group have a variety of engineering, UX and data science teams solving real-world customer and logistics problems. This presentation looks at a variety of solutions applied across the business, from continuous release processes to warehouse layout approaches.

Speaker Bio:

Elliott graduated from CS at St Andrews in 2016, and now works within the research and development team at THG.

Event details

  • When: 3rd April 2018 14:00 - 15:00
  • Where: Cole 1.33a
  • Series: School Seminar Series
  • Format: Seminar

Alice Miller (Glasgow): Probabilistic model checking for UAV strategy generation (School Seminar)


I will describe how the PRISM model checker was used to generate strategies for an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV), specifically to determine search strategies for a UAV trying to find objects within a grid, for a range of scenarios. Parameters and probabilities for our models were informed by simulation models developed in the School of Engineering’s Micro Air Systems Technologies (MAST) Laboratory. Our generated controllers can now be used within the simulation models (and ultimately in UAV controller software).

This is joint work with colleagues from the Schools of Computing Science (Gethin Norman, Ruth Hoffmann and Ruben Giaquinta) and the School of Engineering (Murray Ireland).

Speaker Bio:

Alice Miller is a Senior Lecturer in Computing Science at the University of Glasgow. She works in Formal Methods and Graph Theory, with a particular interest in Symmetry. Before working at Glasgow she worked at the Universities of Western Australia, East Anglia and Stirling.

Event details

  • When: 10th April 2018 14:00 - 15:00
  • Where: Cole 1.33a
  • Series: School Seminar Series
  • Format: Seminar

Judith Rauhofer (Edinburgh): The Internet of Bodies – What could possibly go wrong? (School Seminar)


The “Internet of Bodies” is turning into a popular catchphrase to
describe the next generation of the Internet of Things – the move from
a collection of everyday objects connected to the Internet and each
other to a scenario, where those devices are attached to, or
incorporated into, the human body with a view to collect and provide a
constant stream of information about an individuals’ health or bodily
functions. Those devices could be part of a medical treatment process
(like pace makers, cochlear implants, digital pills, etc.), medical
research or physical enhancement. The choices, as they say, are
endless, as are the potential reasons why individuals may decide to
use or subject their bodies to those devices.

This means that the Internet of Bodies raises much (and many of) of
the same privacy issues and concerns that we have already observed in
connection to the Internet of Things, multiplied by the power of n
because the majority of the data collected and processed will firmly
fall into the category of “sensitive personal data” that has long
received particular protection under EU data protection law. What
measures do we need to put in place to ensure that the established
principles of data minimization, purpose limitation and limited
retention are met? On what legal basis can we justify the collection
of this data in the first place? Where the data collection is based on
the individual’s consent, how can this consent be voluntary in
situations where the choice might be between a life-saving
intervention and a refusal to use IoB devices? What other pressures
– well known from the use of other IoT enabled devices (convenience,
cost-saving, etc.) might motivate an individual to consent to their
use? What further use might the medical establishment, including the
research and the insurance sector envisage for this type of data?
How do we ensure not just device (IT) security but the security of
the information collected?

This talk will look at the prima facie privacy and data protection
issues of “everyday cyborgs” while trying to stay clear – for now –
from some of the more apocalyptic scenarios currently bandied about in
the media. But even on that basis, the question must be asked: The
Internet of Bodies – What could possibly go wrong?

Speaker Bio:

Judith Rauhofer is a Lecturer in IT Law at the University of Edinburgh
and an Associate Director of the Centre for Studies of Intellectual
Property and Technology Law (SCRIPT).

Her research interests include the commercial and fundamental rights
aspects of online privacy and electronic surveillance, data
protection, information security and all areas of e-commerce and
internet law and policy. Judith is particularly interested in
exploring the tensions between privacy as an individual right and as a
common good.

Judith is qualified as a Rechtsanwalt in Germany and as a solicitor in
England and Wales. She has worked in legal practice for several years,
advising clients from the media and new media industries on aspects of
e-commerce, data protection and IT law.

Judith is the founding editor of the European Data Protection Law
Review and a member of the Executive Committee of the British and
Irish Law, Education and Technology Association (BILETA). She also
works closely with digital rights organisations as a member of the
Advisory Councils to the Open Rights Group (ORG) and the foundation
for information policy research (fipr).

Event details

  • When: 20th November 2018 14:00 - 15:00
  • Where: Cole 1.33a
  • Series: School Seminar Series
  • Format: Seminar