St Andrews Research Open-day in Computer Science

Register for St Andrews ROCS HERE for free.

St Andrews ROCS is an event for those of you who engage (or are planning to engage) with research in the School of Computer Science at the University of St Andrews.

The main audiences are prospective postgraduate students, prospective or current industrial collaborators, and colleagues from other disciplines or Schools in Scotland and beyond.

The event will take place Friday October 26th 2018, between 10:00 AM and 4 PM.

There will be talks from all research groups, posters, demonstrations, guided tours, and much more.

You can learn about how to become a St Andrews PhD student or an active industrial collaborator.


You can download the programme of activities.

If you have any questions, e-mail

Register for St Andrews ROCS HERE for free.

Event details

  • When: 26th October 2018 10:00 - 16:00
  • Where: School of Computer Science
  • Format: Conference, Symposium, Visiting Day

June 22nd: Internet at 100 Symposium with Dr Vint Cerf

On Monday June 22nd we are organising a one day symposium entitled “The Internet at 100”. This event features a host of distinguished speakers and culminates with a talk by Dr Cerf, one of the “fathers of the internet” and now vice-president and chief internet evangelist at Google.

Internet at 100

The Internet is, of course, not 100 years old. It’s not even quite 50 years old but the talks at this event will look at its history, its current state and forward to what it might look like at 100. We are looking forward to a day of inspiring talks, time to network and socialise but also time to look back while we consider what might be for the Internet.

The full website for this event can be found here:

Event details

  • When: 22nd June 2015 09:45 - 20:45
  • Where: N Haugh, St Andrews
  • Format: Symposium

May 18th, Data Science Seminar Series or “a Summer of V’s”

The Sum­mer of V’s is an excit­ing series of four events on the Four V’s of Data Sci­ence: Vera­city, Vari­ety, Velo­city and Volume. The series is coordin­ated by the new Insti­tute of Data Intens­ive Research at the Uni­ver­sity of St Andrews. How­ever, these events don’t simply tar­get groups in Sci­ence, Medi­cine or the Human­it­ies but instead all three across the Uni­ver­sity. The series aims to take a cross cut­ting theme approach with a few speak­ers present­ing on a shared aspect of data. Our aim is to bal­ance the speak­ers from across the Uni­ver­sity and as a res­ult meet­ings are rel­ev­ant to all dis­cip­lines across the University.

The first event start­s with lunch from 1.30pm on 18th May at the Bell Pet­ti­grew Museum and Bute Lec­ture Theatre A.

To register and for all the details visit the IDIR page

Event details

  • When: 18th May 2015 13:30 - 17:00
  • Where: St Andrews
  • Format: Seminar, Symposium

Thursday Seminar from Japan – Prof. Yoshifumi Kitamura – Interactive Content Design and 3D Interactions

Date: 2014-11-13
Time: 14:00 to 15:00
Location: Maths Lecture Theatre A, North Haugh, University of St Andrews.

Title: Interactive Content Design and 3D Interactions

Abstract: Good media content has the power to enrich our lives. We focus on non-traditional content other than movies, music and games, conducting comprehensive research on a variety of interactive content which creates new value through interactions with humans. In this talk I will introduce a series of my group’s recent research projects involving technologies for interactive content design and 3D interactions.

Bio: Yoshifumi Kitamura is a Professor at Research Institute of Electrical Communication, Tohoku University. He received the B.Sc., M.Sc. and PhD. degrees in Engineering from Osaka University in 1985, 1987 and 1996, respectively. Prior to Tohoku University, he was an Associate Professor at Graduate School of Engineering and  Graduate School of Information Science and Technology, Osaka University (1997-2010), and before that he was a researcher at ATR Communication Systems Research Laboratories (1992-1996) and Canon Inc. (1987-1992).

Event details

  • When: 13th November 2014 14:00 - 15:00
  • Where: Maths Theatre A
  • Format: Seminar, Symposium, Talk