Impact Talk: Xelect Ltd

This is Impact talk as a “brown bag lunch” (i.e. you bring your lunch if you wish) and the school will provide cakes.

Xelect Ltd

– a successful spin-out from the University of St Andrews

Xelect was founded 5 years ago by Professor Ian Johnston and Dr Tom Ashton to provide genetic services to the global aquaculture industry. The company built on several decades of research in fish physiology and genetics which was funded by BBSRC through to the stage of commercialisation. Xelect develops genetic selection technology and provides associated laboratory support to breeders of finfish, shellfish and shrimps and to date has served 52 customers in 17 countries. We currently manage broodstock genetics programs for producers in Chile, Scotland (Atlantic salmon), Croatia, Greece (seabass and sea bream), New Zealand (King salmon) and Vietnam (Barramundi). The company started out in incubation space at the Scottish Oceans Institute before moving to independent premises in 2016. Xelect also has sales offices in Puerto Montt, Chile and in Hong Kong. The company employs 12 people, mostly PhDs, and is account managed by Scottish Enterprise. Xelect’s shareholders are the founders, the University, SalmoBreed A/S and the EOS Technology Investment Syndicate.

About Ian Johnston

Ian Johnston is former Chandos Professor, Head of the School of Biology and Director of the Scottish Oceans Institute. He currently works full-time for Xelect but retains a 0 FTE position as Professor of Biology.

Event details

  • When: 8th February 2018 13:00 - 14:00
  • Where: Cole 1.33a
  • Format: Seminar, Talk

Simplifying ARM concurrency – Prof. Susmit Sarkar

ARM has a relaxed memory model, previously specified in informal prose for ARMv7 and ARMv8. Over time, and partly due to work building formal semantics for ARM concurrency, it has become clear that some of the complexity of the model is not justified by the potential benefits. In
particular, the model was originally non-multicopy-atomic: writes could
become visible to some other threads before becoming visible to all —
but this has not been exploited in production implementations, the
corresponding potential hardware optimisations are thought to have
insufficient benefits in the ARM context, and it gives rise to subtle
complications when combined with other ARMv8 features. The ARMv8
architecture has therefore been revised: it now has a multicopy-atomic
model. It has also been simplified in other respects, including more
straightforward notions of dependency, and the architecture now includes
a formal concurrency model.

This is work presented in POPL this year. I will also present some of
the background and context on relaxed memory which is absent from the
necessarily compressed talk format of POPL.

Event details

  • When: 22nd February 2018 12:00 - 13:00
  • Where: Cole 1.33a
  • Format: Talk

Pireh Pirzada: Sensors in Smart Homes for independent living of elderly people

Title: Sensors in Smart Homes for independent living of elderly people

Abstract: In the UK alone approximately about 3.64 million people aged 65 or above live on their own, and this number is rising. This increases concern of the safety and wellbeing of an ageing population, as growing old often results in reduced capabilities for individuals to perform activities of daily living (ADL), which will soon have a compounded effect on wider societal health care and the economy. Recent technological advances allow logging, monitoring and tracking behaviour can be put to the service of reducing this burden, allowing elderly people to remain in their own homes safely and independently. In this talk, I will describe my MSc dissertation work on a system designed for recording ADL, monitoring, classifying, predicting and alerting concerned people if anything out of regular pattern or life threatening happening occurs using unobtrusive sensors so that their quality of life is not impaired. This development has highlighted a number of areas for extension and improvement which can be further explored in the context of my doctoral research, which I will also outline within this talk.

This dissertation work was completed at the University of Southampton in September 2017 under the supervision of Neil White and Adriana Wilde.

Event details

  • When: 12th December 2017 14:00 - 15:00
  • Where: Cole 1.33b
  • Format: Seminar, Talk

Dr. Vladimir Janjic – Efficient Dynamic Mapping of Parallel Applications to NUMA Architectures by Reinforcement Learning

Title: Efficient Dynamic Mapping of Parallel Applications to NUMA Architectures by Reinforcement Learning


Abstract: We present a dynamic framework for mapping threads and data of parallel applications to computational cores/memory nodes of parallel non-uniform memory architecture (NUMA) systems. We use a feedback-based mechanism where the performance of each thread is collected and used to drive the reinforcement-learning policy of assigning affinities of threads/data to CPU cores/memory nodes. The proposed framework can address different optimisation criteria, such as maximum processing speed and minimum speed variance. We demonstrate that we can achieve an improvement of 12% in execution time compared to the default Linux operating system scheduling/mapping of threads under varying availability of resources (e.g. when multiple applications are running on the same system).

Event details

  • When: 7th December 2017 12:00 - 12:00
  • Where: Honey 103 - GFB
  • Format: Talk

Bidirectional-Curious? – Dr. Conor McBride

Type systems are often presented in a declarative style, but with an emphasis on ensuring that there is some sort of type synthesis algorithm. Since Pierce and Turner’s “Local Type Inference” system, however, there has been a small but growing alternative: bidirectional typing, where types are synthesized for variables and elimination forms, but must always be proposed in advance for introduction forms and checked. You can still get away without any type annotations, as long as you write only normal forms. But where’s the fun in that? If you want to write terms that compute, you need to write type annotations at exactly the point where an introduction form collides with its elimination form, showing exactly the type at which computation is happening.

For type systems with some sorts of value dependency, the bidirectional approach seriously cuts down on the amount of annotation required in terms, needed only to achieve type synthesis. We have a real opportunity to reduce clutter and also to give a clearer account of the connections between types and computation.

But it doesn’t stop there. A disciplined approach to the construction of bidirectional type systems makes it easier to get their metatheory right. I’ll show this by reconstructing Martin-Löf’s 1971 type theory (the inconsistent one) in a bidirectional style and show why it has type
preservation, even without normalization.

Event details

  • When: 22nd November 2017 13:00 - 14:30
  • Where: Cole 1.33b
  • Format: Talk

Towards Refinement by Resolution in Dependent Type Theory – František Farka

Dependent types are increasingly used in functional programming languages. The surface syntax of dependent types, as seen by a programmer, is elaborated by a compiler into an internal, type-theoretic representation. In order to perform this step, the compiler needs to infer a nontrivial amount of information to successfully type-check the internal representation. This process—type refinement—is complex, implementation dependent, and very few formal developments currently exist. We discuss a novel and simpler formalisation of type refinement in first order type theory with dependent types. We propose a translation of type-refinement problems to Horn-Clause logic with explicit proof-terms, using proof-relevant resolution as the type inference mechanism.

Event details

  • When: 9th November 2017 12:00 - 13:00
  • Where: Cole 1.33b
  • Format: Talk

SRG Seminar: Investigation of Virtual Network Isolation Security in Cloud Computing Using Penetration Testing by Haifa Al Nasseri

Software Defined Networking (SDN) or Virtual Networks (VNs) are required for cloud tenants to leverage demands. However, multi-tenancy can be compromised without proper isolation. Much research has been conducted into VN Isolation; many researchers are not tackling security aspects or checking if their isolation evaluation is complete. Therefore, data leakage is a major security concern in the cloud in general.

This research uses an OpenStack VN and OpenStack Tenant Network to test multi-tenancy features. We are evaluating the relationship between isolation methods used in cloud VN and the amount of data being leaked through using penetration tests. These tests will be used to identify the vulnerabilities causing cloud VN data leakage and to investigate how the vulnerabilities, and the leaked data, can compromise the tenant Virtual Networks.

Event details

  • When: 4th May 2017 13:00 - 14:00
  • Where: Cole 1.33b
  • Series: Systems Seminars Series
  • Format: Talk

Translational Research into Common Psychiatric Disorders, Professor Douglas Steele, Professor of Neuroimaging / Consultant Psychiatrist, University of Dundee

Translational Neuroimaging Based Psychiatric Research

Computational methods are having a considerable influence on contemporary neuroscience research: in data collection (non-invasive functional brain imaging), data analysis and computational modelling of healthy and abnormal brain and behaviour. The presentation is in two parts. Part 1 is an overview of the current main computational-neuroscience areas in research. Part 2 focuses on some recent high impact research into potential empirical and mechanistic biomarkers for psychiatric disorders.

Event details

  • When: 24th April 2017 14:00 - 15:00
  • Where: Cole 1.33a
  • Format: Colloquium, Seminar, Talk