Associate Lecturers in Computer Science

The School of Computer Science is looking to recruit new academics as part of a large on-going expansion of our academic staff. We wish to appoint two new Associate Lecturers to join our vibrant teaching and research community that is ranked amongst the top venues for Computer Science education and research worldwide.

Associate Lecturers provide the backbone of our teaching capability, focusing more on the delivery of high-quality taught programmes while still having opportunities for research. You will be committed to innovation and delivery of high quality teaching within the broad field of Computer Science and its applications. The successful candidate will be expected to be capable of teaching the subject to undergraduate and taught postgraduate students who come to us with a wide range of backgrounds. The Associate Lecturer comes with an Education focussed academic promotion track to Lecturer, Senior Lecturer, Professor.

Excellent teaching skills and an interest in promoting knowledge exchange are essential. A PhD in a cognate discipline is an advantage, as is industrial or other experience. We are especially interested in individuals wanting to experiment and innovate in improving our student experience.

Informal enquiries can be directed to Professor Steve Linton – or Dr Dharini Balasubramaniam

Applications are particularly welcome from women, who are under-represented in Science posts at the University. You can find out more about Equality & Diversity at

The University of St Andrews is committed to promoting equality of opportunity for all, which is further demonstrated through its working on the Gender and Race Equality Charters and being awarded the Athena SWAN award for women in science, HR Excellence in Research Award and the LGBT Charter; The School endorses the Athena SWAN charter and is actively working towards recognition.

We encourage applicants to apply online, however if you are unable to do this, please call +44 (0)1334 462571 for an application pack.

The University is committed to equality of opportunity.

The University of St Andrews is a charity registered in Scotland (No SC013532).

Please quote ref: AO1501AC

Closing Date: 23 June 2017

Best Final Year Student at Lovelace 2017

We are delighted to congratulate Iveta Dulova, who attended the 10th BCSWomen  Lovelace Colloquium, and walked away with the prize for “Best Final Year Student”. Iveta’s poster, titled “SensorCube: An end-to-end framework for conducting research via mobile sensing“, was based on her final year project supervised by Dr Juan Ye.

The event was held at Aberystwyth University on April 12, 2017. Also attending from St Andrews were Chloe Collins, competing in the second year category with the poster “Pedal to the metal – the role of technology in transportation” and Laura Brewis with her poster “What percentage of solitaire games are actually winnable?”.

It showed great commitment for these three students to undertake the lengthy trip at a busy time of semester. Like St Andrews, Aberystwyth, is a beautiful small seaside town with an excellent Computer Science department.  Iveta took a couple of photos showing off the beach and the campus.

Alex Bain completes 2017 London Marathon

Congratulations to School Manager Alex Bain, who completed the London Marathon again this year, raising funds for Guide Dogs. Alex, runner no 40807 is pictured below with his finisher’s medal. Donations to recognise his achievement and the training involved, can be made via his Justgiving page. Read more about his fundraising on KingdomFM.

Junior Honours: Software Team Project 2017

Earlier today our Junior Honours students presented their Team Projects. The projects involve substantial team based software engineering and rely heavily on collaborative development. There are many aspects of software and professional development along with considerable inter-team and intra-team collaborations. This year the students were asked to develop a version of the Settlers of Catan with AI players. They were further asked to make their games interoperate so one teams AI or human player might play on another teams game and board.

The teams demonstrated lots of creativity with the use of software tools, approaches to AI, use of domain specific languages, remote services, games environments, graphics development, collaborative frameworks and many tools for software engineering project development. Thanks to all the students, supervisors and coordinators for their hard work this year.

We wish all our junior honours students success with their forthcoming exams and we look forward to seeing them again for their senior honours year in September.

Images and text courtesy of Professor Aaron Quigley

Senior Honours: Poster Presentation and Demo Session 2017

Our talented hard working SH students from CS4099: Major Software Project and CS4098: Minor Software Project presented their posters and final year software artifact to staff and students earlier this week.

As Illustrated in the above collage, the busy poster session is the perfect opportunity to discuss output from their year long project with markers, and provides time to share research ideas and reflect on the experience with their peer group. We wish them success with forthcoming exams and look forward to seeing them during June graduation celebrations.

ACM SIGCHI: Communication Ambassador & Turing Award Celebration News

Congratulations to Hui-Shyong Yeo, who has been selected as both an ACM SIGCHI communication ambassador and to represent SIGCHI at the ACM 50 Years of the A.M. Turing Award Celebration.

Yeo is a 2nd year PhD student and is particularly interested in exploring and developing novel interaction techniques. Since joining us in SACHI, he has had work accepted at ACM CHI 2016 and CHI 2017, ACM MobileHCI 2016 and 2017 and ACM UIST 2016. His work has featured at Google I/O 2016, locally on STV news and he gave a talk at Google UK in 2016 about his research. His work has also featured in the media including in Gizmodo, TheVerge, Engadget and TechCrunch., see his personal website for more details. Continue reading

Hot off the press: Type-Driven Development with Idris

A new book, Type-Driven Development with Idris has just been published by Manning Publications. Written by Dr Edwin Brady, the creator of Idris, Type-Driven Development with Idris teaches you how to improve the performance and accuracy of your programs by taking advantage of a state-of-the-art type system.

Type-driven development is an approach to programming that embraces types as the foundation of your code. It is based on the concept of “dependent types”, which allow you to express relationships and other assumptions directly in your code, and have these assumptions checked by the compiler. With this approach, you can define specifications early in development and write code that’s easy to maintain, test, and extend.

Dr Brady said:

“Idris arose as a result of my own research into program verification and language design with advanced type systems. After spending several years immersed in the concept of programming with dependent types, I felt there was a need for a language designed for developers and practitioners as well as researchers. By teaching the concept of type-driven development using Idris, the book aims to make state-of-the-art verification techniques accessible to software practitioners.”

The book is currently available via MANNING publications: ePub and Kindle versions available from April 10th. The source code, chapter 1 and chapter 13 are available as free downloads.