Doors Open @ CS, 11th April (10am-4pm)
On 11th April, the School of Computer Science at St Andrews will host for our first ever Doors Open event. We will be thrilled to welcome any and all visitors from outwith the School, whether you are locally based, from elsewhere in the UK or from overseas.
As a rapidly growing school, we are looking to build relationships with new partners and are keen to find out how we can help you, your companies and/or organisations to solve problems and improve processes.
Our Doors Open day will have over 60 individual exhibits and activities. Our presenters will be our staff and students, with representation from 1st year undergrad through to PhD students, academic and technical members of staff.
Please register here if you would like to attend to enable us to order sufficient pizza!
St Andrews Research Open-day in Computer Science
Register for St Andrews ROCS HERE for free.
St Andrews ROCS is an event for those of you who engage (or are planning to engage) with research in the School of Computer Science at the University of St Andrews.
The main audiences are prospective postgraduate students, prospective or current industrial collaborators, and colleagues from other disciplines or Schools in Scotland and beyond.
The event will take place Friday October 26th 2018, between 10:00 AM and 4 PM.
There will be talks from all research groups, posters, demonstrations, guided tours, and much more.
You can learn about how to become a St Andrews PhD student or an active industrial collaborator.
You can download the programme of activities.
If you have any questions, e-mail
Register for St Andrews ROCS HERE for free.
Event details
- When: 26th October 2018 10:00 - 16:00
- Where: School of Computer Science
- Format: Conference, Symposium, Visiting Day
MSc Poster Demo Session 2018
After a year of hard work, and an intensive summer project, our MSc students submitted their final dissertation and presented their project posters and artefacts.
Last month’s busy poster demonstration session pictured below, provided a great opportunity for students to meet with second markers, reflect upon their MSc experience and appreciate the diverse projects completed by their peers.
We wish them all, every success with future plans, and look forward to seeing them again at December Graduation.
Images courtesy of Lisa Dow and Xu Zhu
Senior Honours Poster and Demo Sessions
Our talented Senior Honours students are pictured presenting posters and software artefacts to second markers, interested staff and students last week. The impressive range of year-long projects included, plagiarism detection tools, augmented books with AR Visualsiation, Network science in GPUs, evaluating Full coverage display, a Blockchain construction toolkit, Intrusion detection systems evaluation and many more demonstrating cutting edge research areas. The successful session was organised by Kasim Terzic, projects coordinator in the School. We wish our students well with their forthcoming exams and look forward to seeing them at June graduation.
Images courtesy of Lisa Dow and Saleem Bhatti
MSc Poster Demo Session 2017
After a year of hard work, and an intensive summer dissertation, our MSc students submitted their dissertations last week and presented their project posters and artefacts.
The eventful poster demonstration session provides a great opportunity for students to meet with second markers, reflect upon their MSc experience and appreciate the diverse projects completed by their peers. This year, students organised a School sponsored CS Ball, to celebrate their achievement.
We wish them all, every success with future plans, and look forward to seeing them again at December Graduation.
Images courtesy of Saleem Bhatti and Xu Zhu.
Senior Honours: Poster Presentation and Demo Session 2017
Our talented hard working SH students from CS4099: Major Software Project and CS4098: Minor Software Project presented their posters and final year software artifact to staff and students earlier this week.
As Illustrated in the above collage, the busy poster session is the perfect opportunity to discuss output from their year long project with markers, and provides time to share research ideas and reflect on the experience with their peer group. We wish them success with forthcoming exams and look forward to seeing them during June graduation celebrations.
Senior Honours: Poster Presentation and Demo Session 2016
Our talented industrious senior honours students presented their posters and final year software artifacts to staff and students last week. The best poster accolade and coveted amazon voucher was presented to Thomas Morrell for his poster – Emotion Recognition from Gait Using Smartphone Accelerometer Data, supervised by Erica .
As Illustrated in the many pictures, the poster session is a perfect opportunity to share research ideas with their peer group. We wish them success with forthcoming exams and look forward to seeing them at June graduation.
Images courtesy of Lisa Dow and Saleem Bhatti
End of Semester Round up
We have reached the end of semester 2 and so many events, activities and accomplishments have taken place, it’s worth reflecting on all the hard work and enthusiasm demonstrated by our talented students.
As stated previously the School is rated highly for student satisfaction, which echoes the continued strong student staff community cultivated by all.
The events and locations pictured below help to highlight why studying Computer Science at St Andrews is such an amazing experience.

Clockwise from top left: Senior Honours demonstrate their final year projects. Junior Honours attempt world domination. PhD students present their posters.

Clockwise from top left: The May Dip, Torchlit procession, Christmas ceilidh and stunning St Andrews.

Computer Science Distinguished Lecture Series: Prof. Mothy Roscoe pictured at the Byre Theatre and Prof. Luca Cardelli pictured in Lower College Hall.
Images courtesy of Lisa Dow, Xu Zhu, Fearn Bishop, Saleem Bhatti and Simone Conte,