School Seminar: Programs that Write Programs – Is that Interesting?- by Prof Ron Morrison, …with many ideas from…

This seminar is suitable for CS3053-RPIC

A talk by Prof Ron Morrison …with many ideas from:

Dharini Balasubramaniam, Graham Kirby, Kath Mickan – University of St Andrews, Brian Warboys, R. Mark Greenwood, Ian Robertson, Bob Snowdon – University of Manchester and technologies developed by some of the above and Alfred Brown, Al Dearle, Richard Connor, Quintin Cutts, David Munro and Stuart Norcross – University of St Andrews.

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Event details

  • When: 25th February 2013 15:00 - 16:00
  • Where: Phys Theatre C
  • Series: CS Colloquia Series
  • Format: Colloquium

A new Interaction Paradigm for Distributed User Interfaces by Prof. Dr. Harald Reiterer, University of Konstanz

This seminar is suitable for CS3053-RPIC


Distributed User Interfaces (DUIs) are typically used in ‘Interactive spaces’ which are physical environments or rooms for collaborative work that are augmented with ubiquitous computing technology. Their purpose is to enable a computer-supported collaboration between multiple users that is based on a seamless use of different devices for natural ‘post-WIMP’ interaction, e.g., multi-touch walls, interactive tabletops, tablet PCs or digital pen & paper. However, to this day, there are still no well-established guidelines or toolkits for designing and implementing such distributed user interfaces (DUIs). Therefore the talk will introduce the Zoomable Object-Oriented Information Landscape (ZOIL), a novel design & interaction paradigm and software framework for post-WIMP DUIs in interactive spaces. Continue reading

Event details

  • When: 11th March 2013 15:00 - 16:00
  • Where: Phys Theatre C
  • Series: CS Colloquia Series
  • Format: Colloquium, Seminar

University of St Andrews 600th Anniversary PhD Scholarships in Computer Science

As part of the University of St Andrews 600th Anniversary celebrations, we are able to offer six PhD Scholarships in Computer Science for 2013, including fees and a stipend.

Human version of the St Andrews University crest, organised in part by Yi Yu, one of our PhD students

This celebrates a great moment in the life of the University, and the Scholarships may be held in any research area of the School. Our only requirements are that the proposed research would be good, we have staff to supervise it, and that you would be good at doing it.

You can see our
advert at
and also our local page with further information on postgraduate study in Computer Science.
Informal enquiries can be directed to or to potential supervisors.
Formal application is through our normal applications process, mentioning that you wish to be considered for the 600th Anniversary Scholarships.
The closing date for applications is February 4th, 2013.

CS3102 Data Communications & Networks

The CS3102 students have been working on a variety of OpenSim projects and produced some interesting and original interactive simulations.

Imaginative virtual environments were used to explain a variety of topics including cellular networks, wireless networks, cloud computing, network topologies and denial of service. We caught up with them last week as they finalised their practical work.

Great work everyone.

The MSc Experience at Computer Science

After a year of hard work our MSc students 2011/12 finished their dissertations in August. Graduation on Friday gave them time to reflect on their MSc experience. Here’s what they said.